Search results for ' Minnesota United'

Meet the Indian delegates in US prez race

Meet the Indian delegates in US prez race

Rediff.com14 Jun 2008

Republican Party stalwart Narender Reddy, from Georgia, has been elected as alternate-delegate-at-large to the GOP National Convention in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, which will be held from September 1 to September 4. The mother-daughter team of Mona Merchant, 61, and Monisha Merchant, 31, of Lakewood, Colorado, have been elected as Hillary Clinton's delegates to the Democratic National Convention, between August 25 and 29 in Denver, Colorado.

'If anything happens to me, IB and government are responsible'

'If anything happens to me, IB and government are responsible'

Rediff.com19 Jun 2014

Anti-nuclear activist S P Udayakumar, who has been called a threat to the economic security of India by the Intelligence Bureau, speaks to A Ganesh Nadar.

Major US trade delegation on India visit

Major US trade delegation on India visit

Rediff.com18 Oct 2007

Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is leading a 73-member trade delegation India with a view to bolstering commercial ties with the country.

Heat on Rachel Paulose as 3 attorneys step down

Heat on Rachel Paulose as 3 attorneys step down

Rediff.com7 Apr 2007

The three attorneys who chose to step down were John Marti, first assistant US attorney, Erika Mozangue, who heads attorney's office's civil division, and James Lackner, chief of the office's criminal division.

I have dedicated my time and soul to free kids'

I have dedicated my time and soul to free kids'

Rediff.com13 Feb 2010

Titled The Blue Notebook, it is the story of a child prostitute named Batuk, from Mumbai, who records the miseries of her life in a little blue notebook

US visa rejected? Here's what you can do

US visa rejected? Here's what you can do

Rediff.com30 Nov 2006

You can apply for a visa again if your personal circumstances have changed or you have new information to share with the Visa Officer.

When was Unilever created?

When was Unilever created?

Rediff.com20 Aug 2004

Recent data has shown that turnover of large multi-national companies exceeds the GDP of small countries. Take the Rediff Business Quiz and find out how much you know about some of the biggest multi-national companies.

'Overseas citizen shifted the basis of Indian nationalism'

'Overseas citizen shifted the basis of Indian nationalism'

Rediff.com12 Oct 2012

Devesh Kapur, Director, Center for the Advanced Study of India, discusses the impact of interniational migration with Arthur J Pais

Sugar turns sour for diabetes-prone community

Sugar turns sour for diabetes-prone community

Rediff.com11 Apr 2008

According to the American Diabetes Association, 20.8 million people in the United States have diabetes. Compared to other populations, people of Indian origin are at a heightened risk for Type 2 diabetes. In 2007, India had the largest number of people -- 40.9 million -- living with diabetes, according to the International Diabetes Federation.

Who is the CEO of Microsoft?

Who is the CEO of Microsoft?

Rediff.com4 Nov 2004

Take the Rediff Business Quiz and find out how much you know about some of the world's largest corporations and their chiefs.

Student FAQs: All about studying in the US

Student FAQs: All about studying in the US

Rediff.com20 Apr 2011

In an online chat on April 15 Ryan Pereira, Himanshu Dev and Behrooz Avari, Educational Advisors with United States India Educational Foundation answered readers' queries related to US higher education system, application process, shortlisting universities, admission tests, recommendation letters, effective statement of purpose, applying for financial aid, organising successful applications and classroom culture. Here's the unedited transcript.

Power, politics dazzle Obama's state dinner

Power, politics dazzle Obama's state dinner

Rediff.com25 Nov 2009

Scores of Indian American politicians, administration officials, media personalities and activists were among the 320 guests at the first state dinner of the Barack Obama presidency in honour of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and Mrs Gurcharan Kaur

The debate over Muslim separatism in the US

The debate over Muslim separatism in the US

Rediff.com29 Nov 2006

What is worrying the Americans, the Britons, and others across the globe, is that the Muslim immigrants of today are showing absolutely no signs of even wanting to integrate.

My blog took me to Switzerland

My blog took me to Switzerland

Rediff.com22 Oct 2005

The Harsh years

The Harsh years

Rediff.com25 Jan 2005

Obama makes history, elected US President

Obama makes history, elected US President

Rediff.com5 Nov 2008

Democratic Party nominee Barack Obama, by flipping Virginia, Ohio, Iowa and New Mexico from red states in the 2004 elections to blue in this year's contest, took a commanding lead in the 2008 US Presidential Election, causing CNN to project him the winner and the 44th President of the United States of America

Meet the Bin Laughin of comedy!

Meet the Bin Laughin of comedy!

Rediff.com14 Oct 2008

Muslim comedian Azhar Usman describes his act to Arthur J Pais.

We are going to recover people's trust: McCain

We are going to recover people's trust: McCain

Rediff.com5 Sep 2008

US Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain's speech delivered at the Republican National Convention in St Paul, Minnesota, on Thursday at 10 pm was preceded by a video displaying footage of him being shot down in Vietnam and his survival and torture in what was called the 'Hanoi Hilton' and his refusal to get out early even though he was offered such a release.

McCain-Palin: The GI Joe-Barbie ticket

McCain-Palin: The GI Joe-Barbie ticket

Rediff.com4 Sep 2008

Republicans, in choosing a woman, argue that they are the true party of feminists, even if their female candidate is anti-choice, pro-military, pro-guns, pro-religion in the public sector, anti-sexual education and is, in general, diametrically opposed to everything the feminist movement has achieved for American women.

Sarah Palin slams Obama at Republican convention

Sarah Palin slams Obama at Republican convention

Rediff.com4 Sep 2008

But rather than Kodiak bears, elk or wolves, Governor Palin got her crosshairs set on one man: US Senator and Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

'Our message resonates with the people'

'Our message resonates with the people'

Rediff.com1 Sep 2008

The Democratic Party's rising star spoke to Aziz Haniffa

Study US: Travel Tips

Study US: Travel Tips

Rediff.com12 Jun 2007

Dr. Arun Vakil chats with readers about travelling to America. Part 2 of 2.

US polls: 2 Goyals make history

US polls: 2 Goyals make history

Rediff.com8 Nov 2006

What should I pack?

What should I pack?

Rediff.com2 Aug 2006

Do you need to know what you should pack if you are going to the US to study?

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